Council Tax Forms
Something we are often asked to sign is a Council Tax Exemption / Reduction form on the basis of Severe Mental Impairment. Often, this is recommended by someone well-meaning, but it can be inappropriate. The wording on the form is that the individual “suffers from a severe impairment of intelligence and social functioning which appears to be permanent”; Put plainly, if you are able to get this form, fill it in and bring it to us to countersign…you already don’t qualify! If you do qualify, there is no charge for completing the form.
Some examples of the intended recipients of these forms include:
Adults with significant Learning Difficulties, usually categorised as IQ below 70 and known to the Learning Disabilities Team;
Adults with severe Schizophrenia or Autism who need carers for ADLs (Activities of Daily Living) – again, patients known to the Community Mental Health Team;
Adults with Dementia of all types who are sufficiently impaired to have an Adults With Incapacity order in place/Power of Attorney registered with the Office of the Public Guardian.
You can access a copy of the form below. Please have a proper read of it and really think about whether the individual in question would qualify as Severely Mentally Impaired before asking us to countersign it.