Hospital Expedite Name(Required)Address(Required)Date of Birth(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Dear hospital department, The above named patient has informed us that they have been in touch with your department, asking to expedite their appointment. They were advised to ask us to assist in the process. Accordingly, we have asked them to indicate the reason for the expediting from the following: Same problem getting actively worse Waiting too long for the appointment A change in circumstances perceived to affect the urgency. You will see their reason and some explanatory information in their own words below. We trust this honours your department's assertion that the supply of more information may result in a sooner appointment. If this is not the case, please communicate your reasoning directly to the patient, as is their right to expect. Please note, we only initiate this process if a member of your team has indicated that correspondence further to the initial referral might expedite the patient's appointment.Please choose your reason to request expediting of your appointment:(Required) It's the same problem but my symptoms are getting worse I feel I have waited too long already There has been a change in circumstances that I will explain below Use this box to expand on your choice - the more information you give, the better able the department will be to consider your request.(Required)Many thanks for completing this information. We will forward it to the relevant hospital department. They will communicate with you directly if there is a problem with your request.