Extended Hours
Extended Hours is a Locally Enhanced Services that your practice has signed up for, to increase access for those patients who, through their own work commitments, struggle to attend appointments during our usual surgery times of 9am to 5pm. The appointments are intended to deal with routine problems; if you are unwell and need urgent care, really your work should be allowing you the time during the day to get help ASAP. We appreciate that you may also struggle to phone us to book an appointment during these times, hence this brief web form which is available 24/7.
To book an Extended Hours appointment, give us your details, select your practice, then give us your preferred choice(s) of who you’d like to see and when. You can add extra information such as “after 15th of March” or “I can take the call any time from 5pm”. We will book you a provisional appointment and let you know by text – simply reply “yes” if it suits or “no” to be sent an alternative.