Dear All,
End up the week update on Coronavirus COVID-19…
We are sure you will all be aware that the UK Government announced guidance regarding self-isolating for 7 days if you develop cough or fever (pictured). Please note – you will NOT need a “doctor’s note” saying you are fit to go back; your employer has no right to demand this and should be showing some understanding during a national crisis.
The NHS Inform website has been updated and contains all the relevant advice regarding travel, symptoms and self-isolation. It still also has the useful self-assessment guide and we would highly recommend it as the first port of call if you are concerned:
We are expecting the situation to peak over the next two weeks and have decided to suspend some non-vital services, to preserve our time to deal with emergencies and to limit unnecessary exposure to the virus:
- No travel advice appointments
- No new Chronic Disease clinics will be booked; we will aim to honour those already booked but may yet need to cancel those if the situation escalates
- Likewise, all standing routine, pre-booked appointments will be honoured unless cancellation is absolutely necessary
- We would suggest that things that can wait, such as ear syringing and wart treatments do wait
- Request your contraceptive pill / HRT as usual, if we really need to do your review urgently, we will contact you.
You will also be aware that the Scottish Government has banned events of more than 500 people from Monday. Our unofficial advice is to consider whether any social gathering you are going to is necessary; we have all cancelled attending events in the past two weeks and weeks to come to protect ourselves – and you – from avoidable spread.