The Adult Flu 0141 201 4180 phone line is receiving a huge number of calls due to an error nationally re. the number of appointment letters issued. Public Health are working with national partners to resolve this issue and to prevent it happening again. In the meantime, understandably, patients are calling the practice, frustrated at the not being able to get through on the local number. Unfortunately, we cannot sort the appointment issue for you, however, the problem has been acknowledged and some steps are being taken:

Public Health are increasing the number of staff who will be answering calls and have also set up a generic email address for patients to email should they not be able to get through to speak to someone. The email address is [email protected]

If you can’t get through on the phone line, you are advised to email with the following information:

· your full name,

· CHI (if known, but please don’t phone us to ask for it, it is not essential),

· date of birth,

· original appointment details (date and venue),

· if you wish an alternative appointment

· and, importantly, your mobile number which will be used to text your new appointment details to.

A voice message advising of the email address will be added today on the Adult Flu phone line, which is currently experiencing high call volumes. Staff are working hard to answer all calls and will respond to all emails and an alternative appointment will be offered if requested.

We hope that the new email contact will give a greater degree of flexibility, as you, or a relative acting on your behalf, can simply email in the details and await a response, instead of hanging on a phone line or not being able to get through.

Stay safe, stay well.