Physiotherapists are highly-trained professionals who are certainly better than the average GP at diagnosing and managing soft tissue injuries (non fractures) to your neck, back and limbs. If you have hurt yourself in some way that is causing an achy muscle or joint, self referring to physiotherapy is probably the best option for you. You may be advised to do so after speaking to the GP or Advanced Practice Physiotherapist, but it is not necessary to do so and you don’t need referred – you can self-refer as a first port of call, and we would advise this course of action for the sake of efficiency.
(Please note – if you have injured yourself sufficiently badly that you are struggling to weight bear or use an arm – and therefore might need crutches, a sling or an x-ray – then the Minor Injuries Unit at the New Victoria is the more appropriate service to attend. You can drop in yourself, no need for referral).
You can complete a self-referral form by clicking on the link below. Return the form to Physiotherapy in Eastwood Health & Care Centre, NOT the GP Practice.
For some NHS-sourced guidance on self managing many musculoskeletal conditions visit theĀ NHS Inform website muscle, bone & joint page.