New Telephone System and Number

New Telephone System and Number

From today our new phone system will be active. This will allow more lines than we currently have, more sophisticated call handling and the practice number will come up on outgoing calls, so you’ll know it’s us! The new number is 0141 648 5858. Please...
COVID Vaccination Clinic

COVID Vaccination Clinic

We will shortly be starting to invite the next group of patients for their second COVID-19 vaccination. At present this will only be those patients who were vaccinated here in the practice on or before 19th February. This clinic will take place on Sunday 18th April....
Second COVID Vaccination Clinic Announced

Second COVID Vaccination Clinic Announced

Dear All, We will shortly be starting to invite patients for their second COVID-19 vaccination. At present this will only be those patients who were vaccinated here in the practice on or before the 30th January. This clinic will take place on Saturday 27th...
Covid Recovery Website

Covid Recovery Website

Dear All, (info pasted from website) For some people, coronavirus (COVID-19) can cause symptoms that last weeks or months after the infection has gone. This is sometimes called post-COVID-19 syndrome or “long COVID”. How long it takes to recover...
16-64 At Risk Vaccinations

16-64 At Risk Vaccinations

Dear All, As promised, we’re bringing you updates as and when we have them. We can now say with certainty that it WON’T be the practice delivering the 16-64 At Risk (JCVI Category 6) vaccines, GG&C Board have decided that they will provide these...
New Facebook Group

New Facebook Group

Dear All, In order to keep our Facebook interactions more private, we have created a members-only group for patients, their carers and our employees only. This will become the principal forum for sharing practice news such as vaccine clinic dates, so please sign up to...